though has no taste, no colour, no odour; can not be defined, art relished while ever mysterious. Not necessary to life, but rather life itself, fills us with a gratification that exceeds the delight of the senses. 

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Wind, Sand, and Stars, 1939 

Let the stories unfold,

Where objective and subjective collide,

Or they shall forever remain untold....

Say A Prayer (i)
The Vision

Say A Prayer (ii)
The Venerables…
Whose God Hears You More?

Say A Prayer ii

Say A Prayer (iii)
Cave Of The Souls

Inspired by the hidden beauty of what’s beneath the surface of Nature; for over a decade ARTJEDI1 (Béa Kayani) travelled to disparate corners of the world collecting unique water reflections to create original art pieces. Embark upon the journey by immersing yourself in the enchanted space she provides through the lens of her camera, her keen observation and imagination - the marvels of astounding textures and colours found in the minuscule and unlikely spaces.
Each image profound and monumental in its depth and essence. emerging from the alchemy of water, wind, presence or absence of nearby objects.

The Story

This is a collaboration with Mother Nature itself. These images have emerged from my photographic explorations of unedited water reflections that I captured around the globe sometimes in extreme weather over many years.

After a particularly traumatic experience, as a measure of healing, I was chasing the moment that changed my life forever. What's more ephemeral than a water reflection?
Ever changing with the light and the wind; the vistas and the stories seen in these scenarios are open to your imagination as they have enriched mine.

The artworks then evolved into playing with layers of paint on photographs. Immeasurable healing took place in the making of this delicate and playful series. This is the first and only release on Tezos from my series of works titled, "An Echo Of Chaos". Works from this series are in prestigious private collections as well as internationally exhibited including a display on Times Square, NYC, US, 2015.

Say A Prayer -Created from Nature's Algorithm. Ephemeral, Unrepeatable, Super Rare. by ARTJEDI1 on Objkt.com 5th Aug 2022

Say A Prayer -Created from Nature's Algorithm. Ephemeral, Unrepeatable, Super Rare. by ARTJEDI1 on Objkt.com 5th Aug 2022

Say A Prayer
( Tapestry)